

Delivering your vision

We like to work differently from other more traditional outsourcing agencies, in that we become partners with you in energy technology creation. We believe that by having a stake in your game, we’re rightly incentivised to deliver a great job for the right reasons, and you get to share the risk.

Our team have all been involved in projects where an outsourced team has been brought in, or the project has been handed out remotely,  and the end result has been a less than satisfactory product and a hole in the budget. We don’t want this for you – or us – which is why we look for more creative ways to deliver our shared ambition.

We like to find a way to understand and scope your problem, manage the risk of agility and put in place a ‘no surprises’ commercial model where both parties are committed to a known goal.


Creative funding solutions

Why should you take all the risk? Sharing the risk and the reward keeps both sides of our partnership focused on the same goals – delivering great experience.  We like to put our money where our mouth is and look for ways to split the investment you make into different ways to share that risk. Future product revenue splits? Tiny stock slices? There’s lots of ways to fund what you’re looking for.

You keep the IP

It is important to us that you retain the IP for any technology we help to create together. It’s your investment, you should see where it is going every hour of every day. We develop your systems (and set them up for you if your need us to!), we code to your standards and desires, and make sure you’re aware of what we’re doing for you, every step of the way.

Together we can achieve...

Fantastic results quickly

Competitive advantage

Cost savings

Efficient ways of working

Delivering your vision

Working with a business partner like us to create your assets meant you avoid having to take on contractors for fixed terms. We’re in the business of delivering your vision quickly and professionally, and sharing the rewards of that partnership.

So rather than worrying about the unpredictable and escalating expense that come with contracting rules, or getting ripped off, get in touch with our team today and let’s see how we can help each other.


testimonial the guys are amazing effective, quick workers etc etc etc....
John Doe
testimonial the guys are amazing effective, quick workers etc etc etc....
John Doe

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This is the heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Reach out today to join us in creating modern solutions to solve today's challenges